Friday, October 16, 2009


Hello everyone. This is Kristie. I had lunch with two of the sweetest ladies today. Not to mention names but Erin said "oh and tell Robert to update his blog". This really makes me giggle because my sweet husband is SO busy! Rob is pulled in SO many directions all the time. I'm always after him for some QT together and being the amazing husband and father he is of course his blog is at the bottom of the list. I have a bathroom sink that needs a little work as well before he has time to sit down and update. I thought I might drop fellow Rob fans a line or two and let you know he is busy being the energizer bunny. However with that being said we love, love, love being with friends and family. This truly makes our lil world go round. We talk about often how most of our close friends (to many to name) are our friends we at one time went to church with. We have those friends that stick closer than a brother like the Lord talks about. Thank you all who love my husband and encourage him to be follow hard after God and be the man He wants him to be. I'm kind of partial but I'm SO thankful to have married my best friend!!!!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Wednesday Weigh-In

So today officially starts my diet/campaign to lose forty pounds and get back into shape. I thought it would be pretty cool to use my blog as a means to document it. I have not set a date or timeline for the weight loss because I don't want to relax on it and think that I have time to make it up. From now until the time I lose the forty pounds, I have decided to make my weekly Wednesday post the Wednesday weigh-in. Each week I will post my weight for that day, share my diet and workout plan and go over some of the things I'm struggling with during the process. So without further ado todays weigh in and starting point is 251 pounds. I know, I'm fat. I have never weighed this much and have always been an active athlete so my goal is to resume to that as soon as possblie with what I like to call the forty pound countdown. Check in weekly to see all the progress.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Ok, I know it's been a week

It's been one week! I know I've been slacking again, but don't worry I'm back now and going to get on track. The regularly scheduled Tu(n)esday post will be up shortly. Until then, I have some personal business to share. Since we found out that we were having a baby, I have put on the pounds. I guess that's what I get for one-upping Kristie with the cravings and late night fast foods. The end result is I am now 15 lbs more than when I was my biggest. I will post my actual weight tomorrow with a new weekly post called Wednesday weigh in, as a part of my overall campaign to lose forty pounds. Fittingly (no pun intended) named the 40 pound countdown. Side note: I like to sing like The 80s band Europe sings the final countdown. Anyways, I will be weighing in each wednesday and filling everyone in on my progress to lose at least 40 pounds and get back in shape. Stay tuned to se if and how long it takes me to reach my goal. It would be helpful If you check in tomorrow to see my starting weight!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009


Todays Tu(n)esday has a bonus to it. Not only is there a link to a video and song, there will also be a musically geared product review.

First, the song - Notion by Kings of Leon. I've heard three songs by these guys and so far this is my favorite. I've only heard three songs because I'm really not a fan of secular music and these guys don't have the beat lyrics. No cussing but refernces to alcohol and sex just don't cut it for me. Besides lyrically, these guys have it together vocally and musically. Here is the one song I will say I like by them although I am not a fan.

Again, as I stated before I am not a fan of secular music and it is very scarce on my iPod but I do feel this is a cool song despite not backing for this band.

Bonus time-
I recently updated to Apples 3.0 software for iPhone and touch which included the addition of Bluetooth. I purchased new, bug free Motorola s9 Bluetooth headphones and I must say I love them. They are perfect for working out, cleaning the house and my favorite, grilling out. If you have the iPhone or touch I would highly recomend a pair.

Well now I'm off to get ready to take Joshua to reading coach so this post will end here but it is now three straight days of postings. Feels good to be in a rythym (no pun intended since todays posting had to do with music).

Monday, July 20, 2009

Just another manic Monday

That's an 80s song for you younger readers.

Yeah I know, I'm a stay at home father so the whole "case of the Mondays" doesn't/shouldn't really apply to me, but today was one of those Mondays. Kelby was up from about 10-11 till nearly 4 am last night and who was up with her and had been up sine 10 the previous morning? That's right, daddy! So when I woke up early this morning I knew today was going to be rough and it was. Thankfully it wasn't as bad as it couldve been and my wife let me sleep 3+ hours this evening. Now it would be a normal bed time but I'm wide awake and it sounds like another night with a fussy little girl. I love her, even if she is depriving me of precious, valuable sleep. Looks like tomorrow will be just another day.

On a completely different topic, I've managed to post for two consecutive days on my blog. I'm not asking for an award or anything, I'm just saying that's a pretty big deal! Look for Tu(n)esday tomorrow and see if the streak continues!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

I'm terrible

I hate that I've hyped things up on my blog or have said that I'd have another blog up later in the day but never produce. My intentions are well but it just never seems to happen. So today I am making a commitment to my blog and it's readers that I will put forth the effort everyday to contribute and post to my blog.

Now that that's out of the way, I have some real blogging to get to. Kelby is now a month old and tomorrow she will be 5 weeks. They just grow up too fast! Everyday she is beginning to look more like me (poor thing) yet so much cuter. I am so blessed and even though it's been rough, I've enjoyed every minute of rocking her till 3 in the morning most nights. She got her first little shots on Friday and weighed in at a whopping 9 lbs and 8 ozs. She is amazing!

To get back to what this blog started with, I want to step up with my blogging and implementthe ideas I have previously had. Any encouragement or discipline would be much appreciated.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


The song is Th Stand by HillsongUnited. It's a great song and very catchy with a great message.

I have to apologize now - our laptop has been broken for some time so I'm making this post from my Touch. I don't know how to bed videos with it yet so you'll have to follow the link.

I am now off to feed the baby but will return with another Tu(n)esday post later today.